Premiere Pro Editors STOP Dragging Clips WRONG! Edit 10x FASTER

Premiere Pro Editors STOP Dragging Clips WRONG! Edit 10x FASTER featured image

Author: Tosh Lubek Published: 12th July 2024

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Hey there, Premiere Pro users! If you’re dragging your video clips from the project panel to the timeline listen up, there’s a better way! The program monitor holds some hidden editing superpowers that can seriously speed up your workflow.

The Problem

We’ve all been there. You grab a clip in the project media panel, drag it over to the timeline, and voila, it’s added. But is that the most efficient way?

You’ve guessed it. There’s a better way of editing your video project.

How to add media clips to premiere pro pinterest pin

The Solution: Program Monitor Power

The Premiere Pro program monitor offers a variety of options for adding clips, giving you more control and precision. Here’s an image of the program monitor as it looks when you drag a clip over it. In this case, I’ve dragged and hovered over the middle section, but whichever section you’re cursor is over will become active and turn blue.

Adobe Premiere Pro program monitor with a clip dragged over the middle section

Here’s How It Works

Drag your clip from either the project media panel or source monitor to the program monitor.

Adobe Premiere Pro interface for an editing project showing from where you can drag clips to the program monitor

Before you release the mouse button, you’ll see an overlay with six sections. Each section determines how the clip will be added to the timeline based on the play head position. The section you’re hovering over will show in blue and determine how the clip is added to your sequence timeline.

Adobe Premiere Pro interface for an editing project from Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee rehearsal at Horse Guards Parade

6 Editing Options in the Premiere Pro Program Monitor:

Place the play head where you want the clip to be added to your timeline then drag the clip over to the program monitor. The six options are as follows:

  1. Insert Before: This places the clip before the play head and the existing clip it’s hovering over.
  2. Overlay: Drops the clip at the play head position, but on top of existing clips.
  3. Insert: Inserts the clip at the play head position, splitting any existing clip there.
  4. Replace: Replaces the existing clip at the play head position. Length adjustments might be needed.
  5. Overwrite: Replaces whatever is currently on the timeline at the play head position.
  6. Insert After: Places the clip after the play head or the existing clip it’s hovering over.

Benefits of Using the Program Monitor

This method of adding clips to your Premiere Pro timeline allows for precise clip placement and faster editing, making your workflow much smoother. It also ensures the continuity is maintained and that you don’t need to manually shift clips on the timeline to make space for your new additions.

All in all, it’s a smarter way of working.

Watch my Premiere Pro Editing Tutorial

Ready to unleash the power of Premiere Pro’s the program monitor? Watch my video to see all these options in action and learn how to use them effectively!

Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe on YouTube for more time-saving content creation hacks!

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Portrait of Tosh Lubek

About the author: Tosh Lubek is a multi-award-winning broadcaster, writer, and video producer, with 40 years of experience in professional broadcasting and has been using Canon video and stills cameras since 2010. He has worked with radio and TV broadcasters, advertising agencies, and direct clients on a variety of projects including radio and television advertising, online video production, corporate videos, award ceremony motion graphics, and theme park sound design. Tosh has won numerous awards, including a Radio Academy Awards Gold Sony, a Gold, Silver, and Bronze World Medals in the New York Festivals International Advertising Awards. Since about 2007 he has been creating YouTube videos. Tosh has been a sponsor of the “video booth” at HashTag

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