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If you’re new to recording audio or videos you may have problems setting up the Purple Panda lavalier lapel microphone. That’s not because the microphone is poor but because it has the...
Video Frame Rate Explained: For YouTube, Zoom, and Instagram
Since the introduction of cinema, frame rate has been a hot topic among filmmakers and movie enthusiasts. However, did you know that there is also a standard video frame rate? In this article, I’ll...
Canon EOS M50 Mark II mirrorless camera: good for photography and video?
If you’re starting out and you’ve been looking for a camera that can do it all, but at an affordable price, well, the Canon EOS M50 Mark II fits the bill. It's a great hybrid camera that's good...
Many experienced YouTubers seem so natural in front of the camera and most of them aren’t using a teleprompter. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be using a teleprompter. In fact, if you’re...
Many people beginning their YouTube journey think that new and expensive gear will make them look like a YouTube pro. Unfortunately, they’re often disappointed. Getting a teleprompter is a typical...
One of the big giveaways that you’re reading a script off a teleprompter is teleprompter eye movement. That’s where you move your eyes from side to side while reading the text.